
Teodor Karaivanov

Manager of Procredit Bank Thessaloniki branch, Greece

Teodor Karaivanov has been part of ProCredit Bank since 2003 and is currently the Manager of the Thessaloniki branch, Greece. His professional career covers various areas of the Bank’s activity. In the period from 2004 to 2008 he was a manager of the branches of ProCredit Bank in Gabrovo, Pleven and Ruse. From 2008 to 2016 he worked at the Head Office of the Bank in Sofia, being responsible for Credit Risk Department and Business Department – Medium Clients. Since 2017 he has been the Manager of the Thessaloniki branch and he manages the activities in Greece. In recent years he has developed excellent expertise in working with projects related to renewable energy and energy efficient sources, supporting the dynamic development of such investments in the country. He aims to position ProCredit Bank as a reliable partner in providing financial services for small and medium enterprises and private individuals in Greece, being part of ProCredit Bank Bulgaria.